E-mail Consultations

As representatives of the international students at the RWTH Aachen we strive to help you with questions and problems.

If you are enrolled as a student at RWTH Aachen and you have any problems with your residence permit, visa, rental contract or another legal problem, please send an email to consultations@av.rwth-aachen.de with a short description of your issue (in english or german) and your matriculation number. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

NOTE: Please be advised that the information provided in our emails is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional legal consultation. We can provide you with a qualified lawyer who can assist you with legal matters concerning alien’s law.

Office Hours

We are available in our office located at AStA Office on the ground floor in Mensa Academica (Pontwall 3, +49 241 809 3762) every Tuesday between 12:00 and 13:30 and in Humboldt Haus (Pontstr. 41, +49 241 809 9153) every Thursdays between 17:00 and 18:30. You can come by our office, and ask us any question you have! You just need to register on this site

Legal Advice

A professional lawyer specialized in alien’s law is also at our disposal. If you are in need of professional assistance, we can give you an appointment to discuss your issue, if you are a student of RWTH Aachen. Currently appointments are only available on Wednesdays every two weeks.